
买足球app推荐汽缸求推荐好的买球APP. (“Yates,” “we” or “us”) thanks you for visiting our website. 您的隐私对我们很重要. This privacy policy applies solely to information we collect when you browse this website. This policy describes what information we collect about you in connection with your use of the website 和 how we use 和 share that information. 通过使用网站, 您同意您的信息, 包括您的个人信息, 会按照这上面描述的方式处理吗.


识别 & Communication Information – When you register for one of our services or contact us, 您可能会被要求提供您的姓名, 电子邮件地址, 雇主, 邮寄地址, 电话号码, 生日, 或其他联系方式和人口统计信息. Other Information – You may provide other data voluntarily in the course of using our services, 包括在支持的过程中, 参与调查, 或者在网站上采取的其他行动. 自动收集信息 We collect information about you 和 how you use our website in order to improve your experience. 这包括:
  • 使用信息-您访问的页面, 页面上的时间, 点击, 数据输入, 访问的日期和时间, 互联网协议(“IP”)地址, 互联网服务提供商域名, 您是从哪个网页输入的, 浏览器使用, 语言, 和国家和城市的访问.
  • Device Information – Type of device, hardware model, operating system 和 version, screen resolution.


We use the information we collect through the website to:
  • 提供、改进和发展我们的网站;
  • Monitor 和 analyze trends, usage, 和 website performance;
  • 遵守任何适用的法律法规, or respond to 法律ful requests for information; • Enhance the security of our services
  • Assist in protecting you from fraud 和 misuse of your personal information.


We may share information about you as follows or as otherwise described in this privacy policy:
  • Between our third party service providers to the extent necessary to provide the website 和 the related services;
  • In response to a request for information if we believe 信息披露 is in accordance with, 或者要求, 任何适用法律, 法规或法律程序;
  • If we believe your actions are inconsistent with our user agreements or policies, 或者保护权利, property 和 safety of American Plastic Solutions or others;
  • 与…有关, 或者在谈判中, 任何合并, 出售求推荐好的买球APP资产, financing or acquisition of all or a portion of our business by another company;
  • Between 和 among American Plastic Solutions 和 its current 和 future parents, 子求推荐好的买球APP, subsidiaries 和 other companies under common control 和 ownership; 和
  • 征得你的同意或按照你的指示.
  • We will not sell, rent, or lease your information to third parties.
  • We may also share aggregated or de-identified information, 不能被合理地用来识别你的身份./li>


We generally store your information as long as necessary to provide our services or to comply with applicable 法律. We will retain your information 和 a history of your interactions with our staff 和 services for the uses listed in this privacy policy. If you wish to be erased from our systems, please contact us.


We take reasonable measures to protect information about you from loss, 盗窃, 滥用和未经授权的访问, 信息披露, 改变和破坏.


When visiting our website, we may place a “cookie,” a small piece of code, on your device. This helps evaluate 和 compile aggregated statistics about user activity. The data we collect is specified elsewhere in this privacy policy 和 will only be used for the purposes listed. Certain cookies we use last only for the duration of your session 和 expire when you close your browser. Other cookies are used to remember you when you return 和, as such, will last longer. Most browsers are set to automatically accept cookies by default. However, you can change your browser settings to prevent automatic acceptance of cookies. You may block or delete the cookie from your computer without substantially impairing your use of the website.


We use third-party service providers to provide site metrics 和 other analytics services. The third-party service providers are bound by confidentiality obligations 和 other restrictions with respect to their use 和 collection of your information. 本私隐声明不适用于, 我们不负责, 第三方饼干, 或者其他跟踪技术, which are covered by such third parties’ privacy policies. We encourage you to check the privacy policies of these third parties to learn about their privacy practices.


We use Google Analytics to underst和 how our services perform 和 how you use them. To learn more about how Google processes your data, please visit http://www.google.com/policies/privacy/. 选择退出谷歌分析,请访问 http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/. 如果适用法律要求, we will provide you with information about the personal information we process about you, 以及加工的目的和性质. You may opt out of promotional communications by following the instructions in those messages, 或者买足球app推荐.


American Plastic Solutions is based in the United States 和 the information we collect is governed by U.S. 法律. By accessing or using the website or otherwise providing information to us, 您同意处理, transfer 和 storage of information in 和 to the U.S. 还有其他国家, where you may not have the same rights 和 protections as you do under local 法律.


We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time. 当我们更改此隐私政策时, 我们将公布修订后的隐私政策, with an updated revision date at the bottom of the privacy policy, 在网站上, http://femdomcenter.com/. We encourage you to view our privacy policy regularly for updates. Your continued use of the website will be deemed your agreement to any changes. If you object to any of the changes to this policy, you must stop using the website.


如果您对本隐私政策有任何疑问, 我们隐私政策的后续修订, 或者我们的实践, 请电子邮件 sales@femdomcenter.com.